Miss Lena,

What I'm finding interestng is that the more processors that come out based on this one Eastech design, the more respect it gets. It's amazing (and unfortunate) how tripling the price of a pre-pro makes many audiophiles finally take it seriously. I wonder what other pre-pros are due out based on this design.

I always thought that the Atlantic Technology and Sherbourn versions were basically direct clones of the 950; the AT version especially, considering Peter Tribeman's associations with Outlaw and AT. However, after reading about the modifications done for the FAP-T1, I think I could have been wrong about the Sherbourn unit. Looks like Eastech really does allow its clients to customize this design to suit their particular spec. Ron Fone of Sherbourn has always maintained that their version includes improvements to the stock design; I'm more inclined to believe him now rather than dismiss his remarks as marketing hype.

BTW, I was perusing the FAP-T1's instruction manual , and the specifications page looks like a physical cut-n-paste from the same page in the 950's manual. Funny.


P.S. Off topic, but how did your Mother's Day go? Finally get a break from the daily grind to relax and enjoy your system?
