My biggest problem is rust from salty air Can you hear the ocean? I hope to hear one in a few weeks!
It does not sound like heat, as a possible, would factor in your system.
beyond degrees Have never seen a recommendation stated (in degree) for the 770. I Just used the term ‘recommended’ in the generic sense of how much room you should give any high current amp. Outlaw lists air space above it at 4/6 or 8 “ (?) and as much ventilation as you can arrange for it would always be good. Which I try not to think about as you noticed mine is way off!. Very relieved to see it handles it, I still want to move it to the upper shelf ..above the 950 since heat rises, but the husbands worried about the shelf tolerating the weight. 770’s are not exactly svelte. Top heavy is not an issue since this cabinet only rises 21” from floor.
[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited May 11, 2003).]