sll...cut him some slack...that's the FUNNIEST line i've ever read in this forum!!

I thought it was funny too. But you should never bypass an opportunity to acquire an Outlaw Pen when it arises.

Dane, I’m sorry - late night fatuousness, But I’m not the best candidate to answer that question. As its hard to extrapolate “what was my former self”.

My husband can work it! And all the teenage males that come and go. (some less ably than others).
I do know that I’ve never met a Remote I liked till I had time to accustom myself to each's idiosyncrasies. If she programmed a VHS I’m sure she’ll be fine. Just tell her what my husband tells me when I first acquire a new remote and he hears my usual comments. “It will be logical, just as soon as you figure out ITS logic.