Hello All,

When the center channel is set to "small", and the front speakers are set to "large", the bass from the center channel is redirected to the front speakers. Only if the front speakers are set to "small" will the bass from the center channel be redirected to the sub woofer. This is done because of the high level of dialog that occurs in the center channel. When feasible, "vocal bass" should be kept as close to the center channel as possible. This dramatically minimizes the possibility of hearing disembodied voice when you have a small center channels set at a high cross-over frequencies. This becomes most evident if you do have "large" left/rights where full octaves of voice are easily reproduced. A left to center to right speaker pan might inadvertently throw the lower registers of the voice to an obscure corner of the room. Conversely, if the L/C/R are set to "small", the effects are not as noticeable because of relative frequency consistency across the front.

