Hi everyone,
I usually don't post here but as a I was previously contemplating buying the 950 I still read the post occasionally. I should fist say that I do not own 950 or anthem or a prepro since early on I decided non of the above would give me the sonic satisfaction in 2ch so I ended up with a tube pre (Conrad Johnson 14L) and kept using my Denon receiver for the HT. Now to the discussion of the "what's better". My experience has been after a certain point spending more will only achive much smaller increase in performance. Case and point, I have a Parasound amp HCA 2205 5x220 that I used for the front channels (left and right biamped) after my experience with the tube pre (and my great satisfaction) I decided to buy a tube amp and I bought the Rogue Magnum M120 that cost twice as much as the Parasound. I can say that side-by-side comparison the Parasound is 90% there. The extra 10% cost another 1500 or so. The moral of the story is the "perceived value". If it is worth it to "YOU" to pay extra 500-2000 for a better looking faceplate, more features or perhaps 10% better sonics then it is worth it. Just sit back and enjoy your system life is too short to sit behind the computer.