But John, if Outlaw Timed out for you. Why do you spend so much TIME commenting on it? Do I have to have your Aragon, and at a later date, when you purchase something else. Do I HAVE to have that too?

Mary, Im very touched that you are so concerned as to how I spend my time {Mom}. I promise I'll get off the internet and eat my dinner. As to your second comment about the Aragon, well you lost me there. If you really want an aragon just pony up and get one.

Soundhound, did I say that I buy my equipment by the pound ?..Just making an observation that if parts are exactly the same as you say(from pre-pro to pre-pro) they thereby should weigh aprox. the same as well. I agree that power supplies/transformers etc. are more of an importence in amps rather then pre-amps (but some would argue otherwise).

Also your comment about not taking money just market research. Well market research isnt free is it ? ask Lexicon how much time/money that they have put into their dsp mode (logic 7)..Theres plenty of companies that would pay dearly for their "market research"

[This message has been edited by JohnTompkins (edited April 01, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by JohnTompkins (edited April 01, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by JohnTompkins (edited April 01, 2003).]