Originally posted by JohnTompkins:

One other thing about the 950 using the same parts. For instance the aragon sounstage weighs 39 lbs while the 950 weighs 17 ?. I realize the aragon uses a better/heavier faceplate and casing is a bit heavier plus the balanced connects adds a little weight but double the weight ?..hmm

So, you buy your equipment BY THE POUND??? Your comments might make sense in the case of a power amplifier where the power supply needs to be substantial, and thus has substantial weight, but you are way off base if you actually think weight has anything to do with how a preamp actually sounds.

The actual active components (ICs etc.) in ANY electronic device weigh mere fractions of an ounce.

Be aware too that there is a virute in having as simple and direct a signal path as possible. This is just good engineering practice.

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited April 01, 2003).]