Originally posted by TANGO:

Hope that soundhound gaff on Rick's part was a typo (also glad I didn't do it).

Well, I saw that, but I just prefer to pick my battles wisely (I wish some government officials would do the same...)


I didn't get into this in my original post, but I think it bears mentioning. I work professionally in the motion picture industry with soundtrack music. I have done the mixing and mastering of the music in a lot movies you undoubtedly have in your DVD library - my name is in their credits. I use the 950 as part of my studio, and it is without a doubt and unquestionably up to the demands I require of it. It is sonically transparent enough to use for my work.

I could purchase any pre/pro I want - the equipment I use is all capital expenditure anyway. I chose the Outlaw 950 because of it's transparency and no-nonsense functionality. The fact that they bend over backwards to make their customers happy doesn't hurt either. I wouldn't touch some of the even extremely expensive pre/pros out there simply because they are either flawed soncially or place more emphasis on looks than performance.

I sincerely hope you find a pre/pro that meets your own high standards.