"Enjoy your first 5.1 system!" Thank you. I just hope you enjoyed your first.

But I pic you as an unlaid ghost. Ceaselessly searching. Some say …the journeys the thing. I had a 5.0 before anyone ever coined the term Home Theater. Something my husband rigged, but we were late to the party on DTS, and DD. 5.1. Switching to separates, gaining the latest DSP modes and adding .1 for action/adventure was a very nice upgrade.

Are you Mary? yes, and quite contrary.

I am sorry that my posts have inflicted grave pain on you. What [must] you think of my pain threshold! I have been known to politely ask someone to open a car door that they closed on my thumb without a whimper. I have had two children. This is simply my childish side displaying a loss of patience.
Ricky, I believe I [see] yours hearts desire. What burns you is not that the 950 is a fine pre-pro for the money. What you worry like a dog with a bone, is your campaign to force us into an admission of our proper place in the AV hierarchy. . Owners of a 900-dollar pre-pro, have the sheer effrontery to state they would or could prefer the 950 over units costing more?!

Okay, you twisted my arm long enough. NO THE 950 (fingers crossed behind my back) is NOT as good as something that COSTS more! UNCLE UNCLE.

Seriously Ricky… do you think it profitable to you? (or likely) that 950 owners who have made their choice for various and sundry reasons, would capitulate to your insistence that some 950 owners are misinformed when they conclude they got more bang for their buck, and prefer the unit over more expensive? If I held your opinion that it was not as good or better I should not or would not, own one.

I noted that you stated many times in other forums you feel you have helped countless people with their purchases. Ricky, if we’re on occasion rude or impatience with you,(And I am truly sorry). This may be due to the fact that the forums idealy should be profitable to all to advance their knowledge, exchange information, compare units and spread the joy. It is exactly when they are at their best, while people, - for the sheer delight of sharing do so graciously and generously to help others. When it gets ugly in the forums is when some decide that others have no Equal right to preferences. Would you rather be a beggar in any 950 thread, than a prince in your own castle? Alright!!! Come in have an Outlaw margarita, (sometimes known as “green Kool-Aid” ) Relax, enjoy the sounds (any sounds).

Since you asked again: in answer to #2.
If Owners of other units, do not feel while listening to their purchase that it sounds better than it costs? Dare I say,------ there might be something amiss?

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited March 31, 2003).]