"1) List all the 5.1 capable processors that you've had in YOUR system.

Hi Ricky, I’ll try to be careful here as I type, sometimes something I’m saying laughingly or earnestly, when I compose print, I will reread later, shocked at the tone of it.

This question of yours bothers me. Why? It’s a valid question. Especially when enthusiast are gathering and telling war stories but taken in the context of the agenda I think you have, it sounds arrogant to me. I have sensitivity for condescending remarks which some months, (not always..I’m generally happy go lucky easy going and calm) more than others, - set my teeth on edge. Not because I don’t respect authority, experience, seasoning in any field, (I'd be an utter fool NOT to respect it and glean all I can), - but it gets tedious when you’re a female or male and the neophyte in any undertaking.

I am a neophyte in AV, the 950/770 is the first 5.1 system I’ve been responsible for purchasing. I mix up my terminology, I loose track of what seems like an unending flow of new facts to log concerning DSP, BM, you name it …I have trouble grasping it, I grasp it…then mix it up and get it backwards. But my subjective ears are as good as yours are. Will I learn [nuance] will my ear train, will I pass through the effects of sensory overload from adding multi-surround sound and SW’s and become more sensitive to the tiny increments in performance of NF, Mids, highs, lows, where and when a particular unit rolls off. Certainly, if I pay attention and stay at it. And my ‘tastes’ will change during this process. But if I can’t ‘hear’ a good prepro with a minimum of experience. How is it I can ‘hear’ loudspeakers and decide instantly, they have more range than these or those (and be backed very often by those with much experience there). I have noticed you like it well documented that you have the used-lot pricing dollar amounts memorized, and that you’ve rotated many and various units through your system. I’m not referring to my experience at ‘in home demo’ it really isn’t a practical argument or valid at all times for many consumers who will rely and make choices on what they hear at the dealers when out listening, even after being in AV for years.

What you prefer, is still your ‘hype’ and no less so than my opinion (hype) about how happy I’ve been with the purchase currently of the capable sound of my 950.

I don't like it when I hear a tone of intimadation by those in these forums who have had time to memorize specs, and years of experience. Sure I’ll make mistakes and sure I’ll slap the wall a time or two and hopefully I will learn as I go. And I do listen to ALL of you , or else you could accuse me of being embedded in opinionated concrete with no hope of ever advancing and acquiring new skills . What bothers me about your question is the context in which you use it. You seem to be hoping to attempt to imply that some/many/all Outlaw owners are not possessed of your self declared ‘qualifications’ or experience level. (others may not 'read you' this way, I speak only for myself). I shall continue to trust my own instincts, commonsense, and in this case…. ears, while respecting and trying to learn from those who have gone before. But I’d be willing to bet if I had your exact experience, purchases, and time in AV under my belt, twin mirrored to yours, my subjective ears would have caused me to make some alternative and different selections than yours. That does not make mine right or yours wrong.

Ricky I’m jealous of your ‘experience’ and do not wish to make light of it, but what your up too, well forgive me for my cynicism that anyone who spends so much time chasing Outlaw threads has an agenda that has nothing at all to do with sound. “Forget about what everyone says, or what you read” I do when I finally make my choices, - that’s me and I am the individual.