Thanks Jed for the welcome.

First, let me state that if I were spending $3k NEW for a 7.1 setup, the 950/770 combo would be at the top of my list. Second, if I was offered a 60k Lexus instead of a 20k Honda Accord, I, like most folks, would sell the Lexus and buy an Accord. But I wouldn't consider the Accord as good as the Lexus.

Maybe you 950 owners can humor me and do two things. Forget about what everyone says, or what you read. Just you, the individual.

1) List all the 5.1 capable processors that you've had in YOUR system.

2) Why you think you would be "indifferent" sonically to having a current $3-4k prepro instead of the 950 (ie: Anthem AVM20, B&K Ref50, Sunfire TheaterIII, Integra RDC7, Aragon Stage One).

[This message has been edited by Ricky (edited March 30, 2003).]