I was surprised I wasn't getting more support from other Outlaws over there!

It's just wierd, in that there *seem* to be those out there, that are genuinely bothered by the fact that for $899, Outlaw *can* and *does* sell a product that does compete with other manufacturer's products at (IMO) 3x the cost and maybe more. There are some features missing granted, but just for pure audio quality...

I have a thought process in my head about why Outlaw gets trashed so much over there, but I can't quite articulate it yet.

For example, and *someday* I will have a 7.1 capable pre/pro with non-mono rears (just my thing, can't explain it), but I read a review of either the DC-2 or MC-1 that said, when the reviewer opened it up and saw the quality of the parts inside, they were genuinely surprised. In a bad way. They specifically mentioned "cheap" DACs and op amps. And I seem to remember another review mentioning the too-large-for-the-price-point jitter that was added to the signal also by one of these. Yet they get rave reviews, partially, I believe, *because* of their price.

Any of that make sense? Kind of like the 950 upsets the balance of the world in some people's mind, and they attack it. Shoot, *someday* I'll be able to describe my thinking about this better.
If it's not worth waiting until the last minute to do, then it's not worth doing.

KevinVision 7.1 ... New and Improved !!