Got mine today.

They do mentioned the "upgraded" parts between the 950 and this guy, and that the Sherbourn measures better for noise than the 950, presumably as the result. But my obvious question is: the original 950 S&V reviewed was most probably a red dot era unit. I wonder how the 950 would do now?

And 2 questions: the review seems to allude to the fact that on the analog 5.1 crossover, that the high pass is 80 Hz, and the low pass is 100 Hz. Overlap? Or, the 100 Hz low pass is only with the 80 Hz crossover off, and it's 80 Hz low and high pass when it's on. ??

The review also seem to allude to the fact that the freq limit on the sub is only 80 Hz. (But even now that I'm typing it, makes no sense, because you can set 120 or 100 Hz on the digital crossover...)

Anyways, good review overall. They do complain about the price though.

[This message has been edited by Kevin C Brown (edited March 13, 2003).]
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