No DTS-ES LFE for me either.

I have a blue-dot 950, SH Hiss-fixed unit.

Turned all my speakers to Large, turned my amps off (obviously not my subwoofers') and threw LOTR EE in.
Selected DTS-ES from the menu.
950 confirmed that the signal it received was DTS-ES discrete.

Got nothing from my subwoofer. Changed the soundmode to DTS and got full LFE.

Also tested w/ Simone:
nothing in DTS-ES, full LFE in DTS. Changed my dvd-player's output to DD-EX and selected DD-EX on the 950. Got full LFE.

This happens if I have my 950 set up as a 6.1 or 7.1 system (rear effects speakers set to 1 or 2 speakers).

I have faith in Outlaw to fix this GLARINGLY OBVIOUS problem. Can't believe that this unit made it out of QA in this condition and that none of us caught this earlier.

I'm really beginning to wish I had just saved the extra $1k and bought the Anthem AVM-20...

[This message has been edited by jgubman (edited March 08, 2003).]