Steves- Did you turn off all your speakers except for your sub? That's the only way to be sure. Do you know what vintage your 950 is from? With a red dot or bought before Dec 17, or bought after Dec 17 or with a blue dot?

When I turn off all my speakers, I get no LFE channel for DTS-ES. I get it for DTS, and I get it for DD, and DD EX, so I know it's just a problem with DTS-ES. CES DD and CES DTS modes also work. Just DTS-ES.

I even turned my sub up just to make sure there wasn't some wierd + or - 10 dB thing going on (the auto boost you get with DD/DTS that for example, SACD and DVD-A don't have).

I haven't contacted Outlaw yet, because I know they watch these forums. I'm guessing they are confirming this on their own right now. Or, I'm guessing that they already know, and they are formulating a strategy on how to handle this. Purple dot this time?

I do have a blue dot (equiv) unit. Never tested it on the previous red dot (equiv) one I had.

[This message has been edited by Kevin C Brown (edited March 08, 2003).]
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