Mercedes Man, this forum is provided as a service to Outlaw's customers and prospective customers. We are all guests here, and must therefore obey our host's rules. In the November newsletter, Outlaw announced the following rule:
"No Sale" News: We have noted an increase in the number of Outlaws who have posted messages in the Saloon offering products for sale. Effective immediately, we will no longer be able to allow those kinds of messages or any message offering a product for sale, no matter if it is from Outlaw or from some other manufacturer.
There are many places on the Internet that are better suited to selling your surplus gear, and we encourage you to use those forums for their intended purpose. Of course, for those who are looking to sell a Model 1050, we encourage you to consider our Trade-In/Trade-Up program as an easier means of swapping your Model 1050 for Outlaw separates.
I realize that you may have been unaware of this rule, and we regulars should have been more aware of your post and made you aware of it. Out of respect for our hosts, might I suggest you give
Audiogon or
eBay a try.
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