i personally hate these 'one box does everything' pre/pros.

i can't imagine playing some stupid game on my rptv. my coat hanger gets 10 stations. i don't use the pre/pro for video switching and i was over the stereo cd format years ago.

i'd rather have a top notch uni player with excellent dacs, decoders and video playback that has balanced analog outs to a 7.2 analog preamp/master crossover and lfe crossover with balanced outs to active speakers.

all multi-channel formats...with or without picture. 1 remote for the player and monitor.

46 position pots on the preamps, individual 6 inch increment delay control, selectable, fixed point HP/LP corner freqs, 360 degree phase control and selectable filter slopes with color-coded I/O...ANALOG.

player: $1000
preamp: $1500
tuner: none
speaker cables: none
learning curve: 15 minutes
sound: excellent

...and DEFINITELY no remote/cell phone/e-mail/lighting/thermostat controller with a 95 page manual.
"Time wounds all heels." John Lennon