My gut feeling is that you're probably right on. The 950 has 80% of the functionality any reasonable person would require, but it has some shortcomings that fall into (as I see it) three broad categories:

- Cosmetic issues [color, finish, cheap feel to some controls,...]
- User interface or usablity issues [remote from mars, lack of discrete codes, ]
- Feature issues [Double bass, no re-labelable inputs, no local trims,....]

None of the above really seriously affect the actual performance of the unit as a HT controller, but taken together it is clear that this is not a $3000-3500 unit in a $900 package. Rather, it takes advantage of the 80/20 rule to deliver a good unit at a greatly reduced cost. This is a great accomplishment and Outlaw Audio should be commended, but there is, as was noted, room to fill above the 950.

I suspect there are a lot of folks who would pay double or maybe triple to get that last 20%. Anyone care to confirm or deny this last part? $1800 - $2700 seems like a good zone to me....

[80/20 rule: The last 20% takes 80% of the effort.]