Originally posted by WFulp:
I have been following the 950 for a long time and am ready to upgrade to separates. I currently use an Onkyo TX-DS898 receiver with 110 watts for each of the 7 channels. It has been a great fill in piece but I am ready to move more into the high end. My question is this - is the 950 truly a high end piece or are there too many corners cut to achieve the price point? It seems that the 950 competes well with other pre/pros up to the $1500 - $1600 price point but then loses out above that (as it should - it only costs $899). I am concerned about not moving that much forward beyond the capabilities of a good a/v receiver. I have already ordered the Anthem PVA7 amplifier (105 watts per 7 channels) and will use the Onkyo as a pre/pro to defray the costs somewhat. I am seriously considering the Rotel RSP-1066, Adcom GTP-860, and on the high end the Anthem AVM20 (the dealer would have to give me a really good discount). Any advice about the 950 in relation to these other pieces would be appreciated.

Hi, Thought I'd chime in 'cause I had your exact same receiver before I upgraded to the Outlaw 950/770 combo. No regrets at all. Very notible improvement in sound, features, function et al. The only downside is that I then had to upgrade my speakers to hear what my old speakers (Cambridge Soundworks all round) were hiding. Got the Rockets and now the sound is truely outstanding.

Now trying to decide whether to keep the CS Subwoofer (SB1000) or move to the SVS or the soon-to-be-announced Rocket Sub. So be careful, upgrading sound can be adicting (and rewarding).
