wow, they keep making up all those alphabet things, still, huh? i was in the air force, '69 - '71. great time but i didn't do 'nam, either. worked for the brass for 2 years in army base, Camp Zama. it was known as the little pentagon cause it was the hq for vietnam silly talk. r n r base, too. there was a tiny group o us that ran round to all the different military command posts and kept up the crypto gear and the microwave systems and all kinds a wierd sheet. also had a 'gut wound' hospital there i stayed in for a few days. when the movie 'mash' came out...we watched it from a theatre with helicopters flying over head with bodies strapped to em going to the gut ward in sagami ono. boy you brought memories! anyway, don't worry bought kuwait...look we got half a million guys n girls surrounding iraq with more heavy metal than you can shake a snake with. we're surrounding a country that has a few hundred thousand soldiers...some of em are even still able bodied...they don't even have many bullets. heck, 12 yrs. ago i was in kuwait with...some of your guys...and a few who shall remain was like that then...daddy needs a new oil wheel tho.
to fair, i am on our side and as a past 'soldier' i know ya gotta do whut ya gotta do. still, come on folks. u should go to india or pakistan...our next big mess...oh, don't forget N korea.
good luck no matter what they do with ya. keep yer head down low...their riding shetland ponies! i could say more but i'm sure i'm gonna get jumped on some of this. heck, no ones asked me about palestine yet. now there's a mess...what you see and hear, here, is soooooo far from the truth.
gotta go for now
t higg