cont. : i do have one caveat, however, that i keep forgetting about. volumne level.
i can max out the 950 without stressing my main amp...really really loud at this point. my previous ARC MK11 (valve output) had so mch more gain. the 950, at max,drives the system at at about the same level as the ARC when it was at one o'clock. turning the ARC past 'one' is ... incredible SPL...but the 1.6's just played bigger and bigger..granted i had ta put dual ultra quiet fans into the chassis of the overture dual mono-blocks...these things will put 4 to 600 clean clean watts into 4 ohms!...cause the overture would heat up and...shut down. but, hey...i'm soundproofed here...and in the middle of 2 acres of land to aid that. the only thing now that i can turn up to those the turntable..cause it's stepped up by the ...tah dah...ARC ... so i have complete gain control before it hits the 950. and yes, i worried the 950 couldn't handle that level of input...but it do and that's true.
of course..i have set the system at 0 db so i can raise the over all spl meter wuz run over by ...o christ that's another story. when i get a new one i'll calibrate the 950 settings for correct level setup. adum: the maggies are medium efficiency transducers so i know i need at least 3 more db added to the 'speaker set-up'. having said all that...i hope you all (ok...youse guys) enjoy what the 950 does at a price i didn't think would be possible (and i'm an engineer....i may not look like one ... but i do play one on TV)

t higg
t higg