I want to buy a PC based MLS system, they're reasonably cheap and can be very versatile. What is ETF/EFT (electronic funds transfer ? )

As far as BM goes, I'd just like a way to tie a SW to each channel or set of channels and then 'split and mix' LFE into all of them as well. I can do it with off the self parts - mixers, electronic crossovers, etc., so I guess I know what I want to do for Charlie HT 2.0 - everyone needs a project, right?

One good thing - this setup won't care if the source is analog or digital.

EDIT - BoB: Good luck with the Patent!

I know it's just a peice of paper, but there's something really neato about having actual inventions with your own name attached. Be sure to post when your IP is protected and you can disclose.

[This message has been edited by charlie (edited January 29, 2003).]