I am sad. I wish I knew as much about sound reproduction as SH and BoB. You guys have degrees, and practical experience, and all I have is, a few test discs, a $35 Radio Shack sound level meter... and a keen desire to learn more!

Y'all know what ETF is? Basically, software that uses the cheap soundcards in PC to take freq response, impulse response, phase response, etc. I can now do in 5 sec what used to take me 20 min (i.e., plot my room's low freq response). Me so happy...

(One quick cool thing, as I just took my 1st set of measurements: the curves I got from EFT are pretty darn close to the graphs I got with a discrete test tone disc and the RS meter. I was surprised it was as close as it was.)

I keep toying around with the idea that I think some people have done, of somehow having a dedicate sub for LFE and info crossed over from the surrounds/rears/center channel, and then another sub to run my mains full range into, and use the sub's crossover to split the high passed signal back into the mains. (I'm still an 80% 2 channel music guy.) But it gets too complicated when I think about trying to get a system like that to work for digital CD/DD/DTS/etc vs analog SACD/DVD-A...

[This message has been edited by Kevin C Brown (edited January 29, 2003).]
If it's not worth waiting until the last minute to do, then it's not worth doing.

KevinVision 7.1 ... New and Improved !!