I think they meant the 1050 'should' be returned in the original box. Later in the 'fine print' they state any damage will be the responsibility of the returner and would be subtracted from the $300 credit on the combo.
I think they just want to reduce the possiblity of damage to the units by using the original double box in which they were shipped.

I do have one question and I was not able log into the support page as requested.

These two quotes from the announcement seem to imply different dates for the end of the promotion.
"This is a limited time offer, and due to year-end holidays at our warehouse facilities, we must receive all orders for this promotion no later than Sunday, December 28, 2003."
"In closing, we ask that you note that the Model 1050 “Trade-In/Trade-Up” promotion is a limited time offer and it will be available only through January 18, 2004."

When exactly does this promotion end? I hope it is 1/18/04 as I have to go to work bugging (and/or begging) the wife to get the go ahead.

Hope, like the bass note of the universe, springs eternal.
The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is 42. But what IS the Question?