I am under the impression that the 6 ch bypass is *almost* a true bypass (except for double bass w/o the 80 Hz analog crossover).

In other words, if I set levels within the 950, presumably only for digital and analog inputs that are A-to-D'ed and back again, that has no effect on the 5.1 analog inputs. I can guess that this is so, because when I adjust levels within my DVD player for its 5.1 analog outputs to the 950, the levels set in the DVD player are quite close, but not exactly the same as within the 950. In other words, if the 950's settings also applied to the 5.1 analog inputs, I wouldn't have to adjust anything at all with the DVD player. Easy enough to test, but I just assumed it was this way based of the levels adjustments I got within the 950 and within my DVD player...
If it's not worth waiting until the last minute to do, then it's not worth doing.

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