You got it. Sorry I wasn't more explicit about this stuff, which is explained in the JP1 site and the keymap master readme file. Since there are more buttons with the 8811, you have added flexibility over the Cinema 7+ and can use the spreadsheet to reassign button functions.

With the IR program you can use the computer to set the 'punch through' for volume or channel up and down on the 8811. This is not of any help with the MX-500, but is handy in case anyone in the household prefers the simplicity of the 8811.

I checked just to be sure, but the discrete codes won't work without reprogramming the remote with the 950 keymap master spreadsheet. In effect what you're doing with the JP1 stuff is creating an OEM remote for a new device.

The JP1 site has a new spreadsheet called protocol builder, which I haven't played with, but which looks to be able to give you more flexibility to create remote codes. It also seems to give you enough power to get into a lot of trouble if you don't know what you're doing.

[This message has been edited by tofufot (edited January 14, 2003).]
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