Considering that I've read some of the FAQ, downloaded some software, and already spent hours starting to get a handle on JP1 I'd say you're wrong there.

Maybe with the JP1 knowledge and experience that YOU already have it would take less time, but I'm starting from scratch on JP1.

Phil, my original comment was made mostly tongue in cheek (hence the smiley). I meant no offense or disrespect. And I apologize if I sounded high handed. My point was that you don't have to do any research. I've already done the hard work (setting up the 950 upgrade code). Your goal is just to get the 950 codes into the remote. All you need to do is solder a header into your C7+; download the IR program from the Yahoo groups file area (which it seems you have already done); run it; download your current config from your remote using IR; paste in the set up info for the 950 (which I can send to you); upload this new config to your remote. And that's it. Of course if you later want to make use of the other benefits of jp1 stuff, that would be more work. But that's not what I thought you were after.

But if you are happy with your 950 remote, great. I'm certainly not trying to force you to do jp1

[This message has been edited by Ellen (edited January 07, 2003).]