Doing the jp1 thing would probably have taken less time than you've already spent messing around with the 950 remote, and that includes 10 minutes to solder the header into the remote and 2 minutes to download the IR software
Considering that I've read some of the FAQ, downloaded some software, and already spent hours starting to get a handle on JP1 I'd say you're wrong there.

Maybe with the JP1 knowledge and experience that YOU already have it would take less time, but I'm starting from scratch on JP1. The Yahoo group is very difficult to navigate and use, I wish there were better resources out there. I may give it a try as I have a couple backlit JP1 remotes that I do like a lot.

However, I'm thinking that I can set up my Cinema 7+ learning just volume for my DVD players and be good to go.

Other than the transport/menu problem I'm finding that I like the Outlaw remote. It works great for my RCA DirecTV system.

Philip Hamm

[This message has been edited by Philip Hamm (edited January 06, 2003).]
Philip Hamm