There may be internal differences between the AT and the Outlaw pre/pro, but I wonder if those differences are smaller than the differences in the Outlaw 950 between the original model and the red dot and blue dot models.

Regarding the dealer selling the AT P2000:
He went on to inform me that although its shared the same platform and feature set as the Outlaw that it was definitely a higher quality version i.e. made from more select circuits, capacitors etc. than Outlaw could afford to put in theirs and still meet their price point.

The AT marketing people seem to be justifying the higher price of the AT pre/pro in part by saying higher quality parts are used on the AT pre/pro, even though the functions and features are supposedly identical between the AT pre/pro and the 950 pre/pro. Since the AT marketing people are saying the internal AT parts are higher quality, one might ask the marketing people to back the claim by telling us which internal parts are different, or by telling us some internal parts that are different. Or by telling us even one specific internal part that is different.

One reason some of us are curious about the internal differences between the two is that at last year's CES (year 2002), an AT P2000 prototype and an Outlaw 950 prototype were both cracked open and as I recall from the pictures, everyone thought they looked identical. Not on the outside mind you. But inside, when the boxes were cracked open, they really looked alike. We also heard at the time, that the functions and features are identical (right down to the same idiosyncracies). They didn't fix any of the 950's idiosyncracies when they built the AT pre/pro, or so we heard at the time. Don't know if that's still true today. And of course a lot has happened since those prototypes were shown. On the Outlaw side, we've gone from original 950 to red dot to blue dot 950. Probably some people have cracked open their 950 to look at it. Eventually some people will probably crack open their AT P2000 and try to see how it differs from an Outlaw 950 on the inside.

[This message has been edited by Will (edited January 30, 2003).]