Well I have setup my new blue dot rev and must say, job well done. I am even more pleased with it now. Some points I have noticed:

Recalibrated to 75db at a volume setting of -8db per soundhound's suggestion due to the sensitivity of my Klipsh speakers. 101 db mains, 99 center, 98 side and rear surrounds. My original 950 trims were calibrated for 75db with a 00db volume setting. Here is the comparison.

blue dot
LF -10, C -8, RF -10, RS -5, LS -4, SW -12
LF -8, C -6, RF -8, RS -8, LS -7, SW-13

As you can see the "free" 8db of gain on my system acutally is about 10db considering I calibrated at -8db and the trims are about 2db less than the original trim.

This results in a much quieter and as some have said revealing 950. My hiss has gome from 10 ft to around 1 ft at volume levels between -34db and around -18db or so. As I approach the reference level, in my case -8db, the hiss does seem to get louder, but only to the point where it is about 2 feet out or so, still an 80% reduction. Wow! Both of these hiss levels are quite comparable to my original Yamaha 2095.

One thing I have noticed is that while everything is calibrated the same, the overall "loudness" of my system at any given volume seems about 8db louder. In other words the "free" gain seems to have both allowed me to calibrate at a lower volume setting while still giving the 950 some "apparent" increase in gain. Definitely double bang for your buck. This may be due in part that with the reduction in hiss, I am "hearing" more of the audio and it seems louder. I did notice I was able to change my +2 Treble setting to 0 and still hear the high end detail I was used to on the original 950. Again, maybe a result of the reduction in background hiss.

Overall, I am extremely pleased with the effor of The Outlaws to resolve this issue, the support from this bulletin board and mostly my new 950 Blue Dot revision.

Now my HT can be used for entertainment not a proving ground.......what a relief!

Good job everyone and thanks,