Forgive me, but how do you tell if you have a new-new non-hiss 950?

My 950's serial number is 020300... (there's no xx-xxx... anywhere).

Rather than hissing, it seems to just have a pretty bad S/N Ratio, nowhere near the 100dB ratio listed in the book.

It seems like the noise generated is a few (maybe 3-5) dbs louder than the Sony 333-ES receiver (powered by the same amps) that the unit is replacing (which I believe had ~97dB S/N Ratio).

I sit about 3 feet from my surrounds, and it's definately noticable during quiet sequences. I guess I'm just not sure if this noise is acceptable or not?

I'm using 2 3-channel Earthquake Cinenova Grande amplifiers (which each are rated 113 dBs S/N and are QUIET when the 950 is switched off) powering Paradigm Reference speakers.

The noise, or hiss, definately gets louder when the volume is increased. I've calibrated my trims to output the internal tones at 75 dbs SPL with the volume at 00, and when I crank the volume to 00db, the noise is VERY loud, even from the other room.

And, sorry if I'm being obtuse here Soundhound, but what's the point of calibrating your system to output 75dBs at 00? You wind up just increasing your listening volume and therefore increasing the noise...