
Do the new 950's have the same 950 sound "signature"?

I'd say less so... As always, YMMV.

The earlier original 950 and the red dot 950 you heard here had, to me, similar sound signatures. However I also had an intermediate version of the 950, but only briefly. The intermediate 950 had much less of the aforementioned signature. And it hissed less too. It sounded different, but good. It also was less harsh, warmer than the other 950's. But at the end of the day, I ended up returning it since it sounded so different from both the earlier original 950 and the later red dot 950. I decided I didn't want to keep a specially-modified one-off 950. But it was a close call.

[This message has been edited by Will (edited December 21, 2002).]