Personally, I much prefer calm cool quiet private dialogue when attempting to squeak. And if that doesn’t work I break out the new outfit. (where is a 'wicked' grin smiley's when you need one) I find only mice tend to have squeaking down to a pleasant art, although I have been known to scream…but only momentarily to prevent someone from stepping in front of a car.

Admit? Admit what? Hasn’t your wife ever lent you her operating manual. We never ‘admit’ to anything, as it is frequently counterproductive. If we ‘admit’ you can be assured that some where the ensuing sentence will contain a ‘But, Still or Nonetheless’. It’s,…..It’s just….. one of the rules.

Ex: It is interesting to note that Outlaw has further lowered the noise floor of a product that was irregardless already a highly recommended and very satisfactory addition for those looking to upgrade their current pre/pro or making the break into separates. Exponentially increasing the already noticeable gap between the 950 and its competition.