After positioning my speakers more appropriately and replacing my DVD player I think I've come to enjoy the 1050 for both movies and music, but I was wondering what I would gain by upgrading to 950/Outlaw amp (in terms of sound...I can see the feature deltas)? For movies I'm pretty happy but for music I think there is a never ending game of seeking improvements.
I have a 15' wide room, 20' deep. I sit 9.5' from my Klipsch Cornwall speakers. I have a DVD player, PS2 game, and turntable with plans for DirecTV/TiVO in the future. I also need a better phono stage. I'm currently using my old receiver connected tot the AUX inputs.
I have a restored/upgraded Dynaco ST70 and I wonder if that would add any value for 2-channel music and power for the front channels of the 950? Or, maybe a 950/750 would be plenty for both movies and 2-channel music?