Scott - what I did to lower the hiss level in my system:

Amp - My Parasound has adjustible gains. Reduced them by 25% and hiss was greatly reduced. In dead silent room (night)/at +10 volumn/analog source selected nothing playing/hiss heard from < than 1 foot.

Interesting point/unhooking Amp from 950, so Amp + speakers only in chain, gains at 100%, hiss was heard at < 1 foot/almost ear to tweeter. Plug 950 in/gain at 100% hiss probably heard +3 feet out (seating is about 10 feet). By reducing gain 25%/I achieved about what I heard Amp/speaker only-amp gains 100%.

If you dont have adjustable gains to play with? Also, try not to "listen" for the hiss/instead listen to your source. Most (KB excepted) do not hear hiss OVER a source playing, only with no source.