So how have you that have the 45a/47a/47ai settled on setting it up with the 950? Are you using the 80Hz crossover in the 950 or are you using the Pioneer's manaagement?
For now I'm using the 950, and have set all speakers to Large in the Pioneer.
I did test phase of my sub, mine is also out, for now I'm just 'flipping' the phase switch depending on use. I do the more accurate eval as time / wife permits.
Originally posted by Kevin C Brown:
If the switch in the back is set to ON, there is no double bass. All bass (LFE and speakers below the crossover) is sent to the sub, but all the speakers are high passed too.
The double bass only occurs if you have the switch in the off position, then all the bass is sent to the mains *and* the sub.
SOP, go take a look at the link I provided. Explains (maybe not very well!
) the issue with the 950's digital and analog crossovers...