Not much in the way of answers here...but rather very similar concerns. I actually am purchasing this unit due to a similar problem with another component. I purchased a fairly bargain bin processor with volume in the Techniques SHC-500 hoping to use it as a preamp/processer and ran into the exact same problem. I was accustomed to using an Adcom preamp(555II)/Hafler XL280's (biamped) when the setup was purely stereo. I soon found that with every control at my dispossal absolutly cranked all the way up that I was only getting volume that would have equaled about 1/4 volume on the adcom preamp from the main speakers(the center boosted all the way to +12 was almost liveable and had to become the setting point for all other volumes to match). The result is that I had to put the adcom back in line with the mains (turned to 3/4 volume) as a sort of booster. After diggin into the specs I found that the adcom preamp could deliver a 10 volt(rms I think) output, where the Techniques topped out at around 1v. I think I also found that the hafler amp was looking for a 0-7v type of range as an input (dont quote me on this...but there was definatly a sizeable mismatch). So I went ahead and ordered a 950 even though it also gives a 1v max output rating...and I am just a bit worried. To add to my worries...I am running the Left,Right,and Center preamp outputs into Y adapters as I am using 3 two chanel Hafler XL280's biamped to power the F,L,C speakers (I'm asuming that the natural high input impedance of power amplifiers will make the y adapters a non issue). If anyone has experience with similar amplifiers...or has overcome a similar problem it would be nice to hear of.