... When I heard that they were using color wheels, the needle damn near broke off ...

Yeah, me too. Here's a mental image:

Imagine you're at the conference room table, in the meeting at TI when this researcher first floats the DMD concept. Talk about a long protracted silence. I bet some folks thought it was a joke. "...and to make a color image we can spin a wheel really really fast...."

Once I had more time to think it over I decided that the concept of using tiny mirrors to refect light wasn't really so bad. The color wheel is goofy, but I'm all about practical solutions, so who knows? TI has to concern themselves with severe liability issues if they falsify data to support their product. They may not be fully forthcoming, but I've never known any engineering dept that would promote or tolerate flat out lying, so I suspect the figures they publish to be true as far as they go.

I wonder if it will be practical to expect the OEMs to attain the level of cleanliness required though. Maybe a packaging change, but then if a protective layer is added how will that affect the performance? This to me seems like the most serious long term risk to any company considering the development of a DLP system. Can I ensure my device will never allow microscopic dirt onto the DMD?

I'm on that wait and see list too.