
I think you've just made my 'short list' a bit shorter. I will have to be very skeptical of DLP before I pay my 'perfect' money for 'imperfect' product. IMHO the manufacturers have alot of cojones putting out anything less than a perfect chip, especially when there are thousands of dollars involved in the purchase price. Shame on them. When I go shopping, I'll be very wary, and demand to inspect a projector for dead pixels, the evenness of the light across the screen, etc. before I leave the store.

A Harley 883....and you SOLD it????!!!!!!?????
I have a Kawasaki cruiser that I've put enough money into that I could have bought a Harley. There's a picture of it on my website if you hack back to the root directory, and then to 'images'. I also have a Suzuki V-Strom DL-1000. I've ridden (and crashed) bikes for about 25 years. I just bungee strap the wife on the back and am done with it The V-Rod is just too expensive for what it is. Really, they have just started doing what the Europeans and Japanese have been doing for years, and they act like they invented all the technology. The engine was basically designed by Porshce anyway. I love the looks of most of the Harleys, but the attitude of the dealers, and the 'lifestyle' baggage that goes along with them turns me off. Besides, around here, every accountant, dentist, and lawyer rides a Harley

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited December 02, 2002).]