
I am a fan of southwestern decor, and am particularly fond of New Mexico. The look is very soft and calming. Wherebouts in AZ do you live? My dad lives in Kingman. I rode my motorcycle to Phoenix last year to get some mods done on it.

The projector is the VPL 400W (i think that's right) It was their first LCD that had a native 16:9 panel. I am going to upgrade to something else, maybe DLP, or maybe something else. I am waiting for the LCD/DLP/LCOS technology thing to sort out to the point that I can get as good a black level as a CRT can achieve, or at least close. I may have to wait for that though. The whole 'color wheel' thing in DLPs to me sounds like a "wank", so I'd like to see if 3 panel ever trickles down in price. I'd also never settle on anything less than around 1024 vertical pixels. Any ideas on this as to where the tech is heading? As you might have guessed, my room is basically a commercial studio that the film makers come to so I can present my work. The picture has to look good (and sound good).

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited November 28, 2002).]