
"I really don't see why this whole issue upsets you so much."

Honestly, I'm not upset. I can understand why it 'read' that way though. I'm not the warmest of voices, I need to work on that, and I'm open to people who want to help me in this area.

"Yes, I DID need about 6 megabytes of my 10 megabyte space for work. The logo was about 1.3megs, and I've had to take it down too for space. What's the big deal?"

Like I said.. it was that you started this thread for showing pictures. Not a big deal, but by the time I saw this thread your pics were gone and I guess I got ticked.

I probably should not have, but I guess some may agree that I'm not terribly good at being 'human'.
How 'bout we e-shake and start over?

"The files for my HT pictures was about 5 megabytes, which is a lot to ask of the AVS board to post."

Yeah, that is a lot. I think the AVSforum's limit is 256K. That's WAAAAY less, but most people just shrink the pics.
@ 72dpi. you can fit a few small photos in this space if you (or anyone else who wants to look into this) wanted to.

People could just post links here if they wanted. I might suggest they start a new thread just to kindda 'start fresh'? Just an idea.

I crammed my one HT pic just under ~220K. It's made up of 15 crappy digital cam shots I pieced togther in photoshop so that's why it's of VERY poor quality (I mention this under the pic).

If you have a decent digital cam or film photos they should look great enough to show off even shrunk in this tiny amount of space.

"Nobody but you has said a word about the pictures being taken down."

Yeah, I guess that was part of why I decided to say something -'cuz no one else seemed to notice.
I didn't want it to be an attack though. Sorry.

"I would assume that anybody who was truly interested had already seen them, or possibly downloaded them to keep for reference."

Like I said.. by the time I saw the thread (and I was interested) they were gone. My fault I guess for being (in Outlaw-speak) 'too slow on the draw'.

I honestly figured my 'prodding' would've just gotten you to put 'em back up rather than start the 'mess' I guess it lead to.

I'll have to find someone to 're-post' my posts and remove the smartass elements from them.

"Yes, I did look at your theater on the AVS board."

Cool. I feel funny about showing pics actually 'cuz I don't want to look like i'm 'showing off'.
I mentioned I had a pic posted for the first time here because of your HT pic thread (which I think was a good idea you had).

"The picture is limited in it's resolution,-"

Yeah, VERY much so. I expect I'll try again with a 'real camera' sometime -maybe w/ a fish-eye lens so I don't have to edit 15 shots into one.

"I get screen reflection from the white walls, and it washes the screen out to a small but noticiable degree. Your coloring would be more immune to this."

Yeah, the rest of my house is (hardly) off-white as was this 'area' before I recently busted out a wall and expanded it into a dedicated HT room.
The darker color does make a Big diff. on a screen esp. FP. I meant to have a combo FP/direct view system and had the Plus Piano. I returned it though 'cuz of rainbow probs (and limited rez.), but I still have the outlet on the ceiling for future options.

BTW, the walls of the extention are made of 'perform panel'. 12" thick polystyrene beams that are stacked and filled with a grid
of rebar and concrete. Anyone looking to build a custom room might want to look into this stuff. It worked really well.
Super insulated (both sound and temp), very strong, very fire resistant (close to 'proof'), zero-flex walls.


Same to you.
Happy TurkeyDay to everybody.