if anyone paid attention
I’m sorry Bossobass, I really did…… in fact I downloaded it…then lost it somewhere when it was sent to a ‘temp’ file trying to save it to A drive. I did not recognize the ‘look’ of the logo itself….but I definitely recognized the saying,…..”Voice of the Theater” Did they say that in commercials? Radio? On the big screen….it sounded very very familiar. Probably as familiar as “The Audience is Listening” will be to my children.
I just got a little sidetracked chasing trainwrecks as I have appointed myself, Ms Manners of Outlaw, and although I see (for streches) improvements…sometimes it’s a full time job.

Also would like to take the opportunity to thank, PatriCanuck. That was a nice link. We still have a few ‘palaces’ around here that wax and wane with new ownership, predominately in the grand style of ‘Art Deco’.

I will never forget my parents taking us to a release, or re-release? Of ‘Gone with the Wind’ at one of these which is located in a local strip mall that was the first mall to make the Federal Historical Society List in America.

Pipe Organ!!!! Lush Draperies, Scones, red velvet in the seats. For some reason that night in particular made a lasting memory for me. I’d be more inclined to head for the theater’s if they had kept those traditions!!!!.

SH you just really want me to hate you don't you!?