ARF ARF, says Iggy….. ARF ARF ARF says Iggy
What is it Iggy I’m working go away!
ARF ARF, says Iggy
What?! Whats that you say……. Timmy’s in the well?
ARF, says Iggy.

OKAY lets go get the rope (and the flamesuit)

Remember I never insulted him yet (only that 'logo'-unless he designed it which I'm sure he didn't).
Your right and that’s a great improvement from attacking directly. And I agree I miss the link, as it was fun to look at. But that is SH’s personal business for whatever personal reasons. Humans are so funny in the sense that they become very proprietorial over things, and even ideas. And when someone posts they don’t often relish something in their post being aggressively degenerated. You don’t have to like something, or even say you like it. My choice most often….it's better left unsaid, or couched in polite terminology if you’re trying to relay information. My examples: Not my favorite color….etc. was an poor attempt at humor to remind you of MY cardinal rule. You catch more flys…….
Azryan, I love your posts, We all have equal rights to be here, until THE Outlaw comes in and busts up the town dance. And we are all VERY DIFFERENT sorts of Outlaws. I have always collected very different acquaintances I love people tall, short, thick, thin, old, young and yes even AV people (strange lot)….I find it makes life more exciting and broad. But when very different sorts gather (even in cyberspace) it’s wise to tread slowly carefully and leave puke-ie sticks at home.

Here we got along so well just recently.
I thought we always ‘got along’ and until I drive you stark raving bonkers (rather more likely than not) -- always will. I hope you forgive me I just have that overwelming female urge to tidy male egos and forum wars up.