azryan, why do you insist on behaving this way? Surely you have at least one ounce of tact in you? Maybe you don't care if other people like you, but for the sake of civil conversation, why not try to at least be pleasant? Every time I see your name on a post, I have to prep myself for a good laugh at your pompous attitude. Your behavior borders on "trollish", and if you aren't careful, it could lead to your banishment. Despite the fact that I don't always agree with you, I think that at least occasionally you make a good point, so you are worth "keeping around".

What is making me laugh now is that 1) you think that you have been insulted first (go back and read you first post - I don't consider "puke-ish" to be a friendly term when describing someone else's possessions). 2) I honestly don't understand why you are getting so overly concerned about this thread. He obviously has limited web space, and since the thread pretty much flopped anyway (notice there was only one other post about a home theater), there really probably isn't much of a reason to re-post the pictures. It's his web space and his pictures. If he were really concerned about YOU seeing them, he would have probably re-posted them. It's obviously not a high priority for him (as it apparently is for you).

I know that my posting this isn't going to in any way change your behavior, and you'll probably get a laugh from it, but I think it deserves being said.


[This message has been edited by JasonA (edited November 26, 2002).]