if you are interested in movie palaces... check out www.historictheatres.org - it's the website of the Theatre Historical Society of America. altho, I'm in Canada (Vancouver, BC) I belong and support this great organization. have a look and prepare to drool and dream

Seattle has a small 3 screen movie theatre that was built a couple of years ago, in the Ballard area. in the main theatre (this is an independent done RIGHT!) they have a traditional "waterfall" curtain... so classy (similar to the waterfall motorized in Radio City Music Hall).

I was a projectionist as a teenager back in the carbon arc days. 20 minute reels, changeovers, etc. it was a blast. "Voice of the Theater" was an Altec Lansing trademark for their huge horn speakers.

check out the THSA website - you can get lost in there for hours, going through links etc.

We have a wonderful "Orpheum" theatre here that just celebrated it's 75th birthday. It was an original vaudeville/movie palace that was saved and restored as our main Symphony Hall a couple of decades ago. It's still so wonderful exploring the place .

it's all one of the reasons we bought a 950... for our own little movie palaces no matter how plain or how how plush they may be
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