
There's more than just R&D costs to building a product -- oh, for example things such as the cost of materials?

Take a look inside an amplifier such as the 770 and you'll probably see LARGE metal heat sinks, dozens of output devices, a large transformer or two, some hefty capacitors and then remember that the whole thing has to be wrapped into a chassis that is strong enough to hold it all together.

Look inside a processor and you'll see one or two expensive DSPs, some DACs, the display and a couple of other high value components. However, the bulk of the mechanicals are are reasonably inexpensive.

COuld it be that accounts for the price difference between a 7x200 amp and a processor?

ARF ARF, says Iggy -- but what do I know, I'm only a dog?
But what do I know, I'm ONLY a dog!

ARF, ARF says Iggy