SH: Just that they are still working on it. I did get the impression that the solution was going to be sooner than later, but I don't know how to gauge that.

I'll agree somewhat with what you said. I certainly believe that Outlaw didn't go out to design a unit that hisses (in some people's systems ). But I also believe that some of the problem might be whatever compromises had to go into actually producing a pre/pro of the 950's capabilities at the price point it's at. Me, myself, and I, kinda sorta point the finger at Eastech. All I know is that the 950 hisses more than the Sony TA-E9000ES pre/pro it replaced in my system. However, directly due to the additional capabilities the 950 has that the Sony didn't, and the quite acceptable sound quality, I did choose to keep it, to enjoy it, but to still hopefully wait for a fix too.

Modern pre/pros with ICs, boards, complex computer code, and DSP algorythms *can* be produced with minimal amounts of hiss. As we are all finding out, maybe it's not as easy as a straight-ahead analog pre/pro, but it is possible.

[This message has been edited by Kevin C Brown (edited November 04, 2002).]
If it's not worth waiting until the last minute to do, then it's not worth doing.

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