How about this perspective... Make a prepro that doesn't hiss and avoid bad press. It is your first prepro and you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.

If you stop production and delay delivery of your product... fix the problem before you start shipping again... Seems so simple doesn't it.

I'm sure a significant mumber of people are returning units just because of hiss. This is to say nothing of poor 2 channel sound. Even if units cost 1-2 hundred dollars more, they would sell just as many.

Bottom line... how much will people pay for a unit with better 2 channel sound and no hiss with all of these features. Personally, I would pay $1500 without blinking. Considering the rotel unit is $1500 and has no tuner and fewer features.

This is exactly what the folks at Bryston, Krell, Levison, Rotel ect... want. They don't want some internet hifi company to do well. All over the country at stereo stores salesman are raising their noses at Outlaw products and claiming they are inferior. Sad thing is Outlaw just gave them a reason to do so.