Originally posted by Kevin C Brown:
Funny thought: with 7.1, we effectively have 4 speakers behind us, but only 3 in front. Almost seems backwards to me, because we have less acuity for sound behind us than in front. See what I mean? Sort of like we'd get more benefit by putting more speakers where we hear better...

(But I know, in an ideal 7.1 setup, surrounds are to the sides, and rears are to the rear, but I always thought about that seeming contradiction anyway betwen "front" and "back"... )
Hmmm, I guess we have different ways of thinking of things. I always figured that where you have less acuity is where you need more "hard" sound sources (actual transducers). For example: using only two speakers, you can get a fairly precise soundstage if those speakers are in front of you; I doubt if you could get that kind of result with two speakers behind you. Where ever our ability to phantom image is weaker, is where we need more speakers. Make sense?
