OK, I personally didn't (or couldn't! ) hear the differences as being as apparent as what Jim posted.

Just so you know where I'm coming from, I *did* want to hear a difference. I want to fully believe that if you spend the difference between the Anthem and the 950, that you indeed do get something for your money.

But at least in sound quality alone, I don't think that was the case. I *maybe* heard a little more open top end, and a little more more ayre (hee, hee) in the high frequencies, but that was it. We did focus on CDs, and the CD format itself can be problematic. Jim does have a brand spanking new Pioneer 45a, so maybe if he gets a chance, he could try some DVD-A's or some SACDs before he has to decide.

But. The Anthem is a lot more flexible in the setup parameters. (S&V was right, in their comparison between this guy, the Sunfire, and the Aragon.) There wasn't much in terms of config options that the Anthem *doesn't* have.

There was some hiss on Jim's system, but quite acceptable in both the 950's case and the Anthem. (We didn't really compare that night, but sounds like Jim did later on.)

There were some suggestions I made concerning the room that would help the sound a little, and maybe make the differences more apparent, or maybe not. (He has a tile floor, and I suggested an area rug in front of the speakers to reduce reflections, and he does have room to move the speakers forward from the front wall a little more. Another idea, Jim, is to put a tapesty or something on the wall to the right of your system, in the front. You have the sliding glass doors on the left side with the curtains, and that's OK there.)

Jim's mains and sub are in phase. But here's where the scientificness of phase gets interesting. On my system, "out of phase" to "in phase" gives me about a 5 dB difference in sound level. On Jim's, we got maybe 1 or 2 dB. (Roughly the same volume, using an 80 Hz test tone, what he had the crossover set at.) I have a variable phase knob, and Jim's sub has a switch. The conclusion? Jim's switch allows him the choice between "more in phase" and "less in phase" but not from 0 to 180 deg, more like 60 deg to 240 deg or something.

Here's how I would look at it, and Jim mentioned some of this in his review. If I had an Anthem, and could afford it, I'd keep it. If I already had the 950, and was looking into Anthem, I would keep the 950. But the Anthem is a piece of gear you buy now, and probably still have 4 years from now. The 950? Maybe a year or 2 piece of gear. Simply because of its lower price, you can upgrade later on, sooner.
If it's not worth waiting until the last minute to do, then it's not worth doing.

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